A School of Philosophy… in the classical tradition
Our introductory course program is called Philosophy for Daily Living, which consists of three mini courses (see below for information and upcoming dates). We also offer a wide variety of courses beyond the introductory course, all of which promote the enduring value of philosophy as “love of wisdom,” a profound search for truth and meaning. Philosophy is about improving ourselves, and changing the world we live in by “being that change.” Every activity at New Acropolis embodies this philosophical spirit.
“Philosophy is the best way to know how to live.”
course: Philosophy For Daily Living
Wednesday, NOVEMBER 9, 2022, 7-8:30pm
Tuition: $180
Registration through eventbrite.
(payment options available if needed)
contact info@newacropolisatlanta.org for more information
Philosophy for Daily Living is a 12-week course that explore some of humanity's greatest questions and IDEAS. You will explore the wisdom of the greatest philosophies and teachers in human history (see syllabus below). Each class is presented as a lecture with follow up Q+A and runs between 75-90min with a 5-10min break. Let us know if you are unable to attend a class and we will do our best to schedule a make up.
COURSE 1 Topics:
India and Egypt: Know Yourself
India: The Bhagavad Gita (class 1)
India: The Bhagavad Gita (class 2)
Tibetan Buddhist Wisdom: The Voice of the Silence
Wisdom of the Buddha: The Dhammapada (class 1)
Wisdom of the Buddha: selected Sutras from the Pali Canon (class 2)
Aristotle on Virtue, Happiness and Habits
Ancient Greece: Plato’s Myth of the Cave
Plato: The Republic (class 1)
Plato: The Republic (class 2)
Stoicism: Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)
The Mystery of Time