
Decatur Bookfair, 2012 

About New Acropolis of Atlanta

New Acropolis of Atlanta is dedicated to helping all people in the metro-area live more meaningful and thoughtful lives. We aim to help move society towards greater degrees of self-knowledge and social responsibility through the promotion of philosophy, culture, and volunteering.


Philosophy is “love of wisdom”, a profound search for truth and meaning. Philosophy is about improving ourselves and changing the world we live in by being that change. It is to know ourselves so that we can be ourselves. Our philosophy courses include Wisdom of the East and West, Theological Symbolism, Moral Philosophy, Introduction to the Wisdom of the Orient, Psychology, Comparative Religion, and much more…


New Acropolis promotes culture as a way to express the human values of generosity, creativity, understanding, fraternity and eclecticism. These cultural values lead to self-improvement and transformation. Cultural activities include seminars, courses, museum visits, visits to sacred sites, historical exhibitions, artistic exhibitions, theater, concerts, yoga and tai chi. We promote a spirit of openness to the rich diversity of culture. In addition, sacred cultural traditions allow us to transcend the secular world, enter the sacred, and reconnect with nature.


To volunteer is to express one's true self. It is to give with an open heart. Unfortunately, our society sometimes promotes an attitude of “give and take” which causes us to forget the true nature of generosity. Volunteering is a great way to develop a pure, unconditional contact with the unselfish aspect of our nature.